
The Parish of Poplar was established in 1817. It has prayed, ministered and witnessed in Poplar through times of great change: the rise and fall of shipbuilding and docking, epidemics, rate rebellions, air raids and the rebuilding programmes of the ‘60s and ‘80s. The nuns of the Saint Frideswide Mission House even inspired the BBC series Call the Midwife.

Our mission is no less important today. We hope that this website will give you a flavour of our work in 21st-century Poplar.

The Parish of Poplar is served by two churches, All Saints and Saint Nicholas. The Priest-in-Charge is Rev’d Phil Williams.

Ascensiontide in Poplar

Thursday 9th May: Ascension Day

12pm Mass (St Nick’s)
7pm Choral Mass (All Saints)

Sunday 12th May: The Sunday after Ascension Day

9.15am Morning Prayer (All Saints)
10am Mass (All Saints)
Mass (St Nick’s)
Praise Service (All Saints)
5pm Choral Evensong (All Saints)

Tuesday 14th May: St. Matthias

12pm Mass (All Saints)
7pm Choral Evensong (All Saints)

Our churches

All Saints Poplar
Newby Place,
London E14 0EY

Team Vicar
Rev’d Calebmark Onyemaobi

Worship at All Saints is ordered, dignified and beautiful: rooted in tradition, but without losing the accent of present-day Poplar.

An essential focus on the Mass is complemented by a growing offering of choral and BCP services and a new programme of extemporary prayer.

Visit us
10am-noon, daily

Saint Nicholas Poplar
Aberfeldy Street,
London E14 0PT

Team Vicar
Rev’d Matt Wall

Rev’d Evonne Galloway

Saint Nicholas (aka St Nick’s) serves Poplar’s Aberfeldy Estate and stands in the liberal catholic tradition. Services are warm, welcoming and inclusive, with a particular focus on children’s work.

St Nick’s is a popular venue for Mendhi parties, wedding receptions, meetings and community activities. Please click here for more information.

Visit us
8.30-10am, Wednesday and Friday